Company Identity

PT. Halka Nusantara Resources

  • Deed of Established based on Notarial Deed Number : 13. - November 7, 2023.

  • Made by Notary : Muharzah Aman. SH

  • Approval of the Minister of Law & Human Rights Number : AHU-0088876.AH.01.01 Years 2023

  • Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Number : 12, - May 22 2024

  • Made by Notary : Resmiati Rara Winata SH.M.KN

  • Approval of the Minister of Law & Human Rights Number : AHU-0118771.AH.01.03 Years 2024

  • Articles of Association :

    • Authorized Capital : US $ 66.666.700

    • Issued Capital : US $ 16.666.700

  • Shareholder :

    • Proveture Resources Pte. Ltd : 25%

    • Andi Husnaeni : 5%

    • Halka : 70%

  • Directors and Commissioners

    • Commissory : Andi Husnaeni

    • Directors : Halka

  • Basic Legality

    • Business Identification Number : 2211230094181 :

    • Tax ID number :