Halka Nusantara Resources  was established based on Notarial Deed No. 13 Dated 17 November 2013, made before Notary Muharzah, SH and ratified based on the Decree of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Number: AHU-0088976.AH.01.01 of 2023 and has been amended. The first change is the Minutes of the Resolution of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.12 dated 22 May 2024 which was made before Notary Official Rara Winata, SH, approved by Acceptance Notification of Changes to Company Data Number: AHU-0118771.AH. 01.03 of the year 2024

Thursday 23 May 2024 , PT. Halka Nusantara Resources (Indonesia) represented by HALKA as Director signed a share transfer agreement and Joint cooperation Agreement with Proventure Resources Pte. Ltd (Singapore) Represented by SRINIVAS KONA as Director and Rudrabhuti Metals LLP (India), Represented by ANAND KUMAR TIWARI.

The Joint Venture Company agreed to process the Production Operation Mining Business License Area Concession of PT. Mitra Damai Perkasa, a subsidiary of PT. Halka Nusantara Resources is located in the Keurea Village Administrative area, Bahodopi District, Morowali Regency, Central Sulawesi Province with an area of 4,998 hectares. By supporting the Government's downstream and sustainable program, we agreed to carry out detailed Exploration activities in the initial stages to ensure Reserve sources as a reference basis for determining the amount of Investment value, now that Proventure Resources Pte.Ltd is part of PT. Halka Nusantara Resources with 25% stake holding, it is going play an instrumental role for bringing global investments to achieve our vision to become a sustainable mining company. We, as responsible citizens of the nation, are committed to actualizing Pancasila in the management of natural resources in order to realize economic sovereignty in particular for communities living around areas of mining operations in general for the Indonesian nation and adhere to and support government policies based on the principle of the Trilogy of Beneficial Principles which are stated:

1. Benefits to the Community

2. Benefits to the State

3. Benefits for business community.